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The Xerox Star
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Xerox Star
Screen Shots

The Xerox 8010 Information System
The 8010 Information System from Xerox was the first system to use a
fully integrated desktop metaphor and application suite. Initially the
term "Star" referred to the desktop and application software. However the
system as a whole became commonly known as "The Xerox Star." The software
was later renamed to "ViewPoint", and later renamed again to "GlobalView."
Development of the Star started in 1977 and used concepts from the Alto.
Development started on early development machines, codenamed Dolphin and
Dorado, that could also run the Alto software. The final result was completely
new software written in Xerox's MESA programming environment rather than
BCPL, which the Alto software was written in. (BCPL even used different
microcode) The final 8010/Dandelion hardware was not backwards compatible
with the Alto.
First commercially sold in 1981, the Original Xerox 8010, Codename Dandelion,
specs were:
Custom processor based on the AMD 2900 bit-sliced microcode programmable
384 KB (expandable to 1.5MB) of real memory
10, 29 or 40 MB hard drive
8-inch floppy drive
17-inch display
Display resolution of 1024*808 monochrome
2-button Mouse
Ethernet networking
"Pilot" operating system
"Star" desktop software
Print servers for these systems were manufactured using the same base hardware
and also ran Pilot OS. Print servers used a TTY terminal instead of a graphics
display and did not include the video graphics hardware or Star desktop
software. Xerox 1108 AI Workstations were also manufactured using the same
base hardware but were packaged with Interlisp-D instead of the Star software.
The design of the Star focused around four important principles:
Seeing and pointing
Progressive disclosure
Uniformity in all applications
"What you see is what you get"
The display of the Star mimics a desk environment. Files, storage locations,
and other functionality are represented as icons. At the time, graphical
"icons" were a relatively new concept and term in the computer field.
A few other interesting things to note: The border of the video image
is covered by the monitor's shell, the idea being to make the desktop look
less like a picture. Also, the original Star desktop does not have the
"Waste Basket". This is added much later.
In the original Star software, application windows are tiled in such
a way that do not overlap. Property windows and other dialogs, however
may overlap. The idea is to make optimal use of limited screen space. Also,
when the first window is opened it will usually open so as not to cover
the icons on the right.
Of the application software included with the Star, the most important
and visible is the document editor. The document editor supports complex
layouts with columns, tables, diagrams, and embedded images.
Networking is a huge component of the Xerox Star. It includes ethernet
networking hardware to communicate with other computers.
The Star has the ability to connect to file servers, mail servers, and
print servers. It also includes software to emulate TTY terminals and 3270
terminals over the network.
Someone even managed to run a web server off of one of these once!
All of the Star applications support multiple languages. Instead of
using ASCII text, they are implemented using an early version of Unicode.
Fonts for many different languages are included.
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