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Windows 1983 Comdex Demo
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Microsoft Windows at Fall Comdex 1983

Dan Bricklin, the co-creater
of VisiCalc, posted a YouTube video of a walk through of the Fall 1983
Comdex . One of the more prominent features is a demonstration of the yet
unreleased Microsoft Windows.
To set the stage: The Xerox Star was old news, Visi On was announced
the year before, and Apple was already shipping the Lisa. The buzzwords
of the day revolved around user friendliness and office integration. The
unveiling of the Macintosh and the official release of Visi On were just
around the corner.
The most stunning thing about this video is how much more complete Windows
looks than compared to the December 1983 Byte Magazine
article. This video was supposedly taken before that on November 23,
1983. It takes time to get an article in to a printed magazine, even more
so back then, but the differences seem staggering.
Here is a direct link to the relevant part of the full video: Fall
Comdex 1983 Part 3 of 3 (starts at about 7 minutes in)
There is also a shorter excerpt video here: Fall
Comdex 1983 Excerpts
The demo starts with all windows closed, but a number of programs running,
minimized to icons in an area at the bottom of the screen.
There are a number of paint programs open with different images. A text
editor, clock, and sample calendar are also running. It is possible to
drag the icons around.
They refer to the icon as the smallest form of a window. The clock icon
appears to indicate the current time. In the icon area, the cursor takes
on a different form.
The Byte magazine demo did not show any icons at all. It also did not
appear to have a clock or paint program.
As windows open, they do not cover the icon area.
The Byte demo used the entire screen.
As windows are opened, they "tile" in order to utilize all of the screen
Clicking on the title bar, or what they call the "caption bar" shows
several additional windowing buttons.
- Maximizes the window,
but does not cover the icon area.
- Moves the window
to the side of the screen, tiled vertically.
- Initiates a vertical
- "Kill". Terminates
the application session.
- Help (in upper
right, not demonstrated).
These were not present in the Byte demo, and do not appear in any known
later versions.
.. .. ..
The presence of these buttons suggested that perhaps dragging window
borders was not implemented yet. However just before the demo (on a different
monitor) we see a mouse cursor move to a window border, a thin vertical
resize bar appears, and then the windows repaint to the new size.
During the demo, they emphasize that Windows provides layout such as
menu arrangement, instead of being controlled by each individual application.
Applications redraw their content to fit the new window when resized.
Windows can also resize to cover the icon area.
The Byte demo showed a single persistent menu area at the bottom of
the screen with a long list of options. That way of doing things was consistent
with other DOS applications of the day.
In this version, each window has its own menu at the top. The menus
are still stuffed with options, and do not use the "File" menu organization.
Instead of sub menu options displaying a completely new menu in the
menu area, this version has drop down menus. Or "Pop Down" menus as they
call them.
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